Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream
Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!
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932 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on ADCarboni's channel
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CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Alolan-Marowak
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Noibat
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Gulpin
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Bellsprout
CATCH - 1 month agoDraculiax caught a Goldeen
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Doduo
CATCH - 1 month agofire_the_fox_o caught a Nidoran-f
CATCH - 1 month agoangelleviatan27 caught a Mightyena
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Caterpie
CATCH - 1 month agoadcarBOT caught a Donphan
CATCH - 1 month agoadcarBOT caught a Hitmonlee
CATCH - 1 month agoDraculiax caught a Scizor
CATCH - 1 month agofire_the_fox_o caught a Archeops
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Trumbeak
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Manectric
CATCH - 1 month agoRLecarde caught a Voltorb
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Corphish
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Machop
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Kirlia
CATCH - 1 month agocrepenci0 caught a Tentacool
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Alakazam
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Paldean-Wooper fainted.
CATCH - 1 month agoNightbot caught a Seadra
CATCH - 1 month agoSkndread caught a Archen
CATCH - 1 month agoCLAUiv caught a Buneary
CATCH - 1 month agoEIPapanatas caught a Clefairy
FAINT - 1 month agoA wild
Shellder fainted.
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Spinarak
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Lucario
CATCH - 1 month agoMarcoamv caught a Beedrill
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Swampert
CATCH - 1 month agoSkndread caught a Illumise
CATCH - 1 month agoadcarBOT caught a Treecko
CATCH - 1 month agoMarcoamv caught a Treecko
CATCH - 1 month agoADCarboni caught a Pineco
CATCH - 1 month agoCLAUiv caught a Cottonee
CATCH - 1 month agodeivys125 caught a Whirlipede
CATCH - 1 month agoMarcoamv caught a Golbat
CATCH - 1 month agoMarcoamv caught a Dragonite
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Alolan-Muk
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Maractus
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Whismur
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Tyranitar
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a MissingNo.
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Vigoroth
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Camerupt
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Electrike
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Noibat
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Psyduck
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Sunkern
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Registeel
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Linoone
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Donphan
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Poochyena
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Cleffa
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Staryu
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Hoothoot
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Altaria
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Cinccino
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Trumbeak
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Lampent
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Rapidash
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Marill
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Hitmontop
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Clefairy
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Electivire
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Galvantula
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Phanpy
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Silcoon
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Omanyte
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Scrafty
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Nincada
CATCH - 2 months agoadcarBOT caught a Gyarados
CATCH - 2 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Tentacool
CATCH - 2 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Graveler
CATCH - 2 months agoADuKaMx caught a Mareanie
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Blaziken
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Dewgong
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Arcanine
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Chansey
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Plusle
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Vulpix
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Ledyba
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Mareep
CATCH - 2 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Meowth
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Mankey
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Buneary
CATCH - 2 months agodanirox321 caught a Toxapex
CATCH - 2 months agodanirox321 caught a Spearow
CATCH - 2 months agodanirox321 caught a Snover
CATCH - 2 months agodanirox321 caught a Geodude
CATCH - 2 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Spinarak
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Growlithe
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Shuckle
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Zigzagoon
CATCH - 2 months agoGGMXRowdy caught a Cherubi
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Flaaffy
CATCH - 2 months agozero_spectro_ caught a Spinarak
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Farigiraf
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Litwick
CATCH - 2 months agoJulioRxGamer caught a Sunkern
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Ampharos
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Machoke
CATCH - 2 months agoGGMXRowdy caught a Shroomish
CATCH - 2 months agoHareu115 caught a Alolan-Persian
CATCH - 2 months agoHareu115 caught a Kangaskhan
CATCH - 2 months agoGGMXRowdy caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 2 months agounsoundfax caught a Grimer
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Phantump
CATCH - 2 months agomaruchanCHG caught a Alolan-Grimer
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Kakuna
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Wooloo fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Ralts
CATCH - 2 months agoTiaghoooo caught a Loudred
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Ekans fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Zigzagoon
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Dragapult
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Cacnea
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Minccino
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Pikachu
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Seedot
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Alolan-Marowak
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Crustle
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Krabby
CATCH - 2 months agoadcarBOT caught a Minccino
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Politoed
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Gardevoir
CATCH - 2 months agoadcarBOT caught a Skitty
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Bellossom
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Delibird fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agozoprann caught a Chansey
CATCH - 2 months agoCLAUiv caught a Hitmonchan
FAINT - 2 months agoA wild
Weedle fainted.
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Beedrill
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Moltres
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Minun
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Ditto
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Venipede
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Weepinbell
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Goldeen
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Cherubi
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Aron
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Cacnea
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Natu
CATCH - 2 months agopg_papau caught a Cottonee
CATCH - 2 months agodaniela3212 caught a Vileplume
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Delcatty
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Cubone
CATCH - 2 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Marshtomp
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Venonat
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Ledian
CATCH - 2 months agoMarcoamv caught a Kingdra
CATCH - 2 months agoRLecarde caught a Diglett
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Skarmory
CATCH - 2 months agoADCarboni caught a Seedot
CATCH - 3 months agoMarcoamv caught a Phanpy
CATCH - 3 months agoEIPapanatas caught a Krabby
CATCH - 3 months agoMarcoamv caught a Gastly
CATCH - 3 months agoxtiandays caught a Weedle
CATCH - 3 months agoCLAUiv caught a Slowking
CATCH - 3 months agoADCarboni caught a Spinarak