Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream
Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!
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641 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on trovador237's channel
Toggle Shinies Only
CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Natu

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Plusle

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Trapinch

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Slowpoke

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Sharpedo

CATCH - 5 months agononnahshannon caught a Koffing

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Slakoth

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Shroomish

CATCH - 5 months agoLalechon caught a Breloom

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Ralts

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Rhyhorn

BATTLE - 5 months agoLalechon 
won against

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Ledian

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Nidorino

FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Sentret fainted.

FAINT - 5 months agoA wild
Venipede fainted.

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Toucannon

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Roselia

CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Froslass

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Slakoth

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Cubone

CATCH - 5 months agononnahshannon caught a Tentacruel

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Totodile

CATCH - 5 months agononnahshannon caught a Azumarill

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Fearow

CATCH - 5 months agononnahshannon caught a Whismur

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Hoppip

CATCH - 5 months agononnahshannon caught a Oddish

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Cascoon

CATCH - 5 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Dratini

CATCH - 5 months agomora503 caught a Hoothoot

CATCH - 5 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Whirlipede

CATCH - 5 months agoLalechon caught a Ultra-Necrozma

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Volbeat

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Seel

CATCH - 5 months agoaleatorio_men caught a Golduck

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Lairon

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Seel

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Poliwrath

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Geodude

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Gulpin

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Poliwag

CATCH - 5 months agogaijin0 caught a Lotad

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Ditto

CATCH - 5 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Mew

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Linoone

CATCH - 5 months agotrovador237 caught a Azurill

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Slowbro

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Nidoqueen

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Machop

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Mightyena

CATCH - 6 months agogaijin0 caught a Doduo

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Flaaffy

CATCH - 6 months agogaijin0 caught a Electivire

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Swellow

CATCH - 6 months agothe_blackgem caught a Jigglypuff

CATCH - 6 months agotrovador237 caught a Buneary

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Chikorita

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Paldean-Wooper

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Scyther

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Paras

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Makuhita

CATCH - 7 months agoaleatorio_men caught a Paldean-Wooper

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Spiritomb

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Blastoise

CATCH - 7 months agoaleatorio_men caught a Sentret

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Pichu

CATCH - 7 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Cherrim

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Combusken

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Charmeleon

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Azumarill

CATCH - 7 months agomora503 caught a Raichu

CATCH - 7 months agomora503 caught a Machoke

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Geodude

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Goldeen

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Clefable

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Psyduck

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Ledian

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Flaaffy

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Heracross

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a MissingNo.

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Abra

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Abra

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Skitty

CATCH - 7 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Beedrill

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Nidorina

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Ditto

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Cacnea

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Nidorina

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Carvanha

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Zigzagoon

CATCH - 7 months agomora503 caught a Totodile

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Machoke

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Vulpix

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Steelix

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Clefable

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Golem

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Nincada

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Pikipek

CATCH - 7 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Gastly

CATCH - 7 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Houndoom

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Lapras

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Spinda

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Metapod

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Loudred

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Shellder

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Bayleef

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Cubone

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Persian

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Celebi

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Primeape

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Girafarig

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Slugma

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Jigglypuff

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Magmar

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Roselia

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Wyrdeer

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Grimer

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Pidgey

CATCH - 7 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Natu

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Joltik

CATCH - 7 months agogaijin0 caught a Noivern

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Houndour

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Zigzagoon

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Cherrim

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Hitmonchan

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Swinub

CATCH - 7 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Donphan

CATCH - 7 months agoarasiz caught a Koffing

CATCH - 7 months agoarasiz caught a Lanturn

CATCH - 7 months agoarasiz caught a Wooper

CATCH - 7 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Aerodactyl

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Poochyena

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Nosepass

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Gulpin

CATCH - 7 months agotrovador237 caught a Grumpig

CATCH - 7 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Electrike

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Slakoth

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Espeon

CATCH - 8 months agotrovador237 caught a Espeon

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Larvesta

CATCH - 8 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Golduck

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Honchkrow

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Meowth

CATCH - 8 months agotrovador237 caught a Ledyba

CATCH - 8 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Mew

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Miltank

BATTLE - 8 months agonoturexdremaster 
won against
CATCH - 8 months agonoturexdremaster caught a Mewtwo

CATCH - 8 months agotrovador237 caught a Snubbull

CATCH - 8 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Swellow

CATCH - 8 months agothe_blackgem caught a Taillow

CATCH - 8 months agothe_blackgem caught a Zigzagoon

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Pikachu

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Blaziken

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Shroomish

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Hariyama

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Mareep

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Sunflora

CATCH - 9 months agoa_n_i_v caught a Sunkern

CATCH - 9 months agoarasiz caught a Crawdaunt

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Mightyena

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Spinarak

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Cascoon

CATCH - 9 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Farigiraf

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Seadra

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Voltorb

CATCH - 9 months agomora503 caught a Girafarig

CATCH - 9 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Igglybuff

CATCH - 9 months agogaijin0 caught a Hoothoot

CATCH - 9 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Mareep

CATCH - 9 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Seedot

CATCH - 9 months agoarasiz caught a Wingull

CATCH - 9 months agoshauingofficial caught a Vaporeon

CATCH - 9 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Vaporeon

CATCH - 9 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Azurill

CATCH - 9 months agoShilohLongLegs caught a Noivern

CATCH - 9 months agoblupeesandrupees caught a Pikachu

CATCH - 9 months agotrovador237 caught a Omastar

CATCH - 9 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Pikachu

CATCH - 9 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Pikipek

CATCH - 9 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Farfetch'd

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Lanturn

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Mareep

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Skiploom

CATCH - 10 months agotrovador237 caught a Skitty

CATCH - 10 months agocatalinojuarez123 caught a Corphish

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Corphish

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Krabby

CATCH - 10 months agotrovador237 caught a Ariados

CATCH - 10 months agotrovador237 caught a Aipom

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Dunsparce

CATCH - 10 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Hoothoot

CATCH - 10 months agotrovador237 caught a Gardevoir

CATCH - 11 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Lopunny

CATCH - 11 months agomora503 caught a Lopunny

CATCH - 11 months agoAleatorio_Man_ caught a Trapinch

CATCH - 11 months agogaijin0 caught a Swalot

CATCH - 11 months agogaijin0 caught a Froslass

CATCH - 11 months agogaijin0 caught a Croagunk

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Whismur

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Diglett

CATCH - 11 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Nidorino

CATCH - 11 months agoshauingofficial caught a Krabby

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Quagsire

CATCH - 11 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Farfetch'd

CATCH - 11 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Snubbull

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Bayleef

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Ponyta

CATCH - 11 months agoshauingofficial caught a Cottonee

CATCH - 11 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Ivysaur

CATCH - 11 months agotrovador237 caught a Trumbeak

CATCH - 12 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Zangoose

CATCH - 12 months agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Slakoth

CATCH - 12 months agoRivenordel caught a Raichu

CATCH - 12 months agotrovador237 caught a Taillow

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Mew

CATCH - 1 year agoMrXorTV caught a Whismur

CATCH - 1 year agoMrXorTV caught a Snorunt

CATCH - 1 year agomora503 caught a Croagunk

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Hoothoot

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Spinarak

CATCH - 1 year agoProvidentMorphogen caught a Swablu

CATCH - 1 year agoProvidentMorphogen caught a Electrike

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Zubat

CATCH - 1 year agoivansan00 caught a Magnemite

CATCH - 1 year agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Machoke

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Charmeleon

CATCH - 1 year agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a MissingNo.

CATCH - 1 year agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Wobbuffet

CATCH - 1 year ago0chuan0 caught a Metapod

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Weepinbell

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Paras

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Poliwhirl

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Kadabra

CATCH - 1 year agoProvidentMorphogen caught a Rattata

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Farfetch'd

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Rattata

CATCH - 1 year agoRivenordel caught a Pikachu

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Nidoran-f

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Sentret fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Pidgeot

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Arbok

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Parasect

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Dewgong

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Bellsprout fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Natu

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Magikarp fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Dragonair

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Cleffa

CATCH - 1 year agoProvidentMorphogen caught a Azumarill

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Politoed

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Pidgey

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Diglett

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Goldeen

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Swinub

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Graveler

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Krabby

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Farfetch'd

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Ekans

CATCH - 1 year agoshauingofficial caught a Raikou

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Tentacool

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Phanpy

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Ponyta

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Sunkern fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Seel

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Voltorb

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Bellsprout

BATTLE - 1 year agotrovador237 
won against
CATCH - 1 year agojay_cee caught a Articuno

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Forretress

CATCH - 1 year agomora503 caught a Snorlax

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Unown

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Nidorina

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Mew

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Pinsir

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Unown

CATCH - 1 year agoivansan00 caught a Krabby

CATCH - 1 year agoivansan00 caught a Kingdra

CATCH - 1 year agoivansan00 caught a Pikachu

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a MissingNo.

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Swinub

CATCH - 1 year agoshauingofficial caught a Magikarp

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Ho-oh

CATCH - 1 year agoa_n_i_v caught a Gastly

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Charizard

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Dragonite

CATCH - 1 year agoshauingofficial caught a Nidorino

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Ledyba

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Machop

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Aerodactyl

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Geodude

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Vulpix

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Seadra

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Kadabra

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Pidgey

CATCH - 1 year agoELCV89 caught a Kakuna

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Dewgong

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Unown

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Dewgong

CATCH - 1 year agogerardoperez230 caught a Abra

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Hoppip

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Rattata

CATCH - 1 year agodendy_jr caught a Grimer

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Drowzee

CATCH - 1 year agogerardoperez230 caught a Pineco

CATCH - 1 year ago0chuan0 caught a Tauros

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Hoothoot

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Mew

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Ekans

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Marill

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Wooper

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Stantler

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Slugma

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Dodrio

CATCH - 1 year agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Sudowoodo

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Magikarp fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Magcargo

CATCH - 1 year agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Spearow

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Electrode

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Marill

CATCH - 1 year agoSitarHero82 caught a Mankey

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Lanturn

CATCH - 1 year agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Unown

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Lapras

CATCH - 1 year agothe_blackgem caught a Spinarak

CATCH - 1 year agoshauingofficial caught a Jolteon

CATCH - 1 year agoshauingofficial caught a Noctowl

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Mareep

CATCH - 1 year agoeltrunks117 caught a Kadabra

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Nidoran-m

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Charizard

CATCH - 1 year agomanofpeerlessmight84 caught a Gengar

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Corsola

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Arcanine

CATCH - 1 year agoELCV89 caught a Snubbull

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Jynx

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Vulpix

CATCH - 1 year agoagme_2 caught a Spinarak

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Kakuna

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Spinarak

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Kingdra

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Beedrill

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Venomoth

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Misdreavus

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Marowak

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Spearow

CATCH - 1 year agoSxtyThree caught a Pidgeot

CATCH - 1 year ago0chuan0 caught a Nidorino

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Teddiursa

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Kadabra

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Hoppip

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Quagsire

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Pidgeotto

CATCH - 1 year agotrovador237 caught a Butterfree

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Kakuna

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Abra fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Pineco

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Magby

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Voltorb

CATCH - 1 year agogaijin0 caught a Gastly

CATCH - 1 year ago0chuan0 caught a Quagsire

CATCH - 1 year ago0chuan0 caught a Paras

CATCH - 2 years agoELCV89 caught a Togetic

CATCH - 2 years agoagme_2 caught a Graveler

CATCH - 2 years agotrovador237 caught a Raikou

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Nidoking

FAINT - 2 years agoA wild
Remoraid fainted.

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Dugtrio

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Shuckle

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Geodude

CATCH - 2 years agoshauingofficial caught a Quagsire

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Beedrill

CATCH - 2 years agoshauingofficial caught a Raticate

CATCH - 2 years agoshauingofficial caught a Phanpy

CATCH - 2 years agoshauingofficial caught a Flareon

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Growlithe

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Sunkern

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Chinchou

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Rattata

CATCH - 2 years agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Articuno

CATCH - 2 years agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Drowzee

CATCH - 2 years agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Tangela

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Metapod

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Togetic

CATCH - 2 years agojoker_of_all_trades caught a Skiploom

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Skiploom

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Tangela

CATCH - 2 years agogaijin0 caught a Blissey

CATCH - 2 years agonanozki caught a Hitmontop

CATCH - 2 years agotrovador237 caught a Xatu

CATCH - 2 years agotrovador237 caught a Clefairy

CATCH - 2 years agoELCV89 caught a Swinub

CATCH - 2 years agoELCV89 caught a Chikorita
