Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream
Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!
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171 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on maplemaf's channel
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CATCH - 5 months agoiMckn caught a Espeon
CATCH - 5 months agomaplemaf caught a Ponyta
CATCH - 5 months agomaplemaf caught a Octillery
CATCH - 5 months agomaplemaf caught a Crobat
CATCH - 5 months agoAriSafari815 caught a Mankey
CATCH - 11 months agomaplemaf caught a Bulbasaur
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Ditto
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Rapidash
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Nidoran-f
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Ledyba
CATCH - 1 year agowalkinzombie caught a Geodude
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Pinsir
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Wartortle
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Pikachu fainted.
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Abra fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Grimer
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Rattata
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Azumarill
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Venonat
CATCH - 1 year agochaoschaingaming caught a Fearow
CATCH - 1 year agocrazyitalianttv caught a Pidgey
CATCH - 1 year agondragonzgaming1 caught a Misdreavus
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Drowzee
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Mew
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Houndoom
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Caterpie
CATCH - 1 year agodumbnumbs caught a Metapod
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Pichu fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agodumbnumbs caught a Kangaskhan
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Ursaring
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Growlithe
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Arcanine
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Pupitar
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Sandshrew
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Koffing
CATCH - 1 year agoSpicyyy120 caught a Horsea
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Ho-oh
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Voltorb
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Hoppip
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Abra fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Cleffa
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Exeggutor
CATCH - 1 year agojcdestined caught a Geodude
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Piloswine
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Heracross
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Krabby
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Rattata
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Voltorb
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Poliwag
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Celebi
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Kadabra
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Bellsprout
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Nidorina
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Rapidash
CATCH - 1 year agodumbnumbs caught a Tentacool
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Doduo
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Goldeen
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Primeape
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Totodile
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Larvitar
CATCH - 1 year agopastyourprime caught a Machop
CATCH - 1 year agoGenerallyHeroic caught a Bellsprout
CATCH - 1 year agocrazyitalianttv caught a Marill
CATCH - 1 year agocrazyitalianttv caught a Metapod
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Wooper fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Machop
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Hoothoot
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Shellder
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Espeon
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Delibird
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Granbull
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Krabby fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Chinchou
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Weedle
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Hoppip
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Nidoran-f
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Teddiursa
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Kadabra fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Tentacruel
FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Rattata fainted.
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Staryu
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Dragonite
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Snubbull
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Lanturn
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Graveler
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Exeggcute
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Clefairy
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Moltres
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Mankey
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Growlithe
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Gastly
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Lugia
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Pikachu
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Miltank
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Cyndaquil
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Cubone
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Natu
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Quilava
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Horsea
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Goldeen
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Electabuzz
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Dragonair
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Arbok
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Togetic
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Sandshrew
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Spearow
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Crobat
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Unown
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Pineco
CATCH - 1 year agohooligan_staff caught a Ekans
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Hypno
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Pichu
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Rhyhorn
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Dunsparce
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Seaking
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Gyarados
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Pikachu
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Kakuna
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Togepi
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Ekans
CATCH - 1 year agombk_jones caught a Doduo
CATCH - 1 year agodeiuqx caught a Magikarp
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Espeon
CATCH - 1 year agocyber_shef caught a Magcargo
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Lanturn
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Phanpy
CATCH - 1 year agomaplemaf caught a Aipom