Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream
Solgryn's Pokémon On Stream is a free application not affiliated with Nintendo made for streamers, allowing their viewers to catch, collect, battle & trade Pokémon live on stream! Whenever a Pokémon appears, players are chosen to throw a Pokéball in hopes to catch it!
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75 total Pokémon collected in this channel!
Recent events on Glowgasm's channel
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CATCH - 1 year agoXshippoX caught a Graveler

CATCH - 1 year agoTomoEriGoto caught a Machop

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Sunflora

CATCH - 1 year agoTomoEriGoto caught a Croconaw

CATCH - 1 year agoTomoEriGoto caught a Mankey

CATCH - 1 year agoXshippoX caught a Gligar

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Electabuzz

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Cleffa

CATCH - 1 year agoellie_june caught a Nidorino

CATCH - 1 year agoellie_june caught a Aerodactyl

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Vulpix

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Teddiursa

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Kakuna

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Slowpoke

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Ponyta

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Flareon

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Lapras

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Rattata

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Kadabra fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Diglett

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Kabutops

CATCH - 1 year agoellie_june caught a Togepi

CATCH - 1 year agoEpona_of_Equestria caught a Skarmory

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Poliwag

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Vaporeon

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Skarmory

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Porygon2

CATCH - 1 year agoMeifly caught a Weepinbell

CATCH - 1 year agoGlittergasm caught a Hitmontop

FAINT - 1 year agoA wild
Igglybuff fainted.

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Marowak

CATCH - 1 year agoBradPittsDadLive caught a Persian

CATCH - 1 year agoMeifly caught a Snorlax

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Oddish

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Omastar

CATCH - 1 year agoGlowgasm caught a Noctowl

CATCH - 1 year agoFaylone caught a Kabuto
